[New Projects Update]an annual output of 2,000 tons of Kungfu acid project


Fine chemical project with an annual output of 12,500 tons which include 2,000 tons of Kungfu acid, 3,000 tons of R-2-(4-hydroxyphenoxy) propionic acid, 2,000 tons of thermal (pressure) sensitive paper couplers, 3,000 tons of m-aminophenol, 1,000 tons of 3,4-Difluorobenzonitrile and 1,500 tons of Intermediate chemical products of etoxazole is under building recently. Total investment would reach to 562 million RMB covering all the construction of workshops, raw material warehouses, finished products warehouses, office and auxiliary buildings, sewage treatment pools, fire pools, power distribution rooms, laboratories, and supporting construction of roads, water supply, power supply, environmental protection and other facilities.

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