Application of Tributyrin as Feed Additive


The growth of piglets has been seriously affected by gastrointestinal dysfunction and diarrhea after weaning. In production, effective measures need to be adopted to restore the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, in order to overcome the effects of weaning stress, and suppress the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets.

some nutritive or non-nutritive regulators can be used to maintain the normal morphological structure of the intestinal mucosa after weaning of piglets, such as glutamic acid, n-butyric acid, nucleotides, polyamines, etc. By replacing antibiotics with using these additives as growth promoters, the intestinal function can be promoted obviously. These are in line with the trend of prohibiting the antibiotics usage in feed. 


Tributyrin could be broken down in the body to produce N-butyric acid which could increase the height of small intestinal villi when adding into the diet of growing-finishing pig.Tributyrin is also a low-carbon fatty acid glyceride, which is better absorbed than high-carbon chain fatty acid glycerides. As a feed additive, it can significantly promote the growth of livestock and poultry and improve feed conversion efficiency. Tributyrin could be widely used as growth promoters to eliminate antibiotic residues in animal products and produce high-quality pollution-free animal products.

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